Notice is given that a second meeting of the creditors of the Company, or a second meeting for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
The purpose of the meeting(s) is:
Other agenda items are:
IN THE EVENT CREDITORS VOTE IN FAVOUR OF THE EXECUTION OF THE DEED:1. To consider the nomination of a person(s) to be Deed Administrator(s);2. To consider approval of the Deed Administrator(s) remuneration;IN THE EVENT URBAN METRO CIVIL PTY LTD IS WOUND UP:3. To consider the nomination of a person(s) to be Liquidator(s);4. To consider approval of the Liquidator(s) remuneration;5. To consider the appointment and constitution of a committee of inspection;6. To authorise the Liquidator(s) to be able to destroy the books and records of the Company within a period of six (6) months after the dissolution of the Company, subject to obtaining prior approval from the Australian Securities & Investments Commission ("ASIC"); and7. Any other business.
Creditors wishing to attend are advised proofs and proxies are to be submitted to the Administrator by:
Persons entitled to attend the meeting have been given sufficient information on how to obtain relevant information to attend the meeting virtually. In this regard, any creditor wishing to attend the meeting virtually must contact this office by no later than 11:00am (local time) on 16 August 2023.Creditors should note that any costs incurred in attending the meeting virtually are their own to bear and these costs are not able to be reimbursed from the assets of the Company.
Glenn Anthony CrispAdministrator