Company details
Company: |
Simmonds Electrical Pty Limited |
ACN: |
074 288 707 |
Status: |
In Liquidation |
Appointed: |
07 November 2011 |
Meeting details
Notice is given that a meeting of the committee of inspection of the Company, or a meeting of the committee of inspection for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
Location: |
RSM Bird Cameron Partners Level 1, 103-105 Northbourne Avenue Canberra ACT 2601 |
Meeting date: |
25 February 2013 |
Meeting time: |
03:00PM |
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
The purpose of the meeting(s) is to consider:
1. To receive and consider a report from the liquidator(s.)
2. To authorise the liquidator(s) to enter into liquidation funding agreements, for the purposes of Section 477(2B) of the Corporations Act on terms as required.
3. To consider and if thought fit resolve that the liquidators ability to compromise debts owed to the company, which is currently limited to $100,000 of Section 477(2A) of the Corporations Act 2001, be increased to a limit of $500,000.
4. To fix or determine the remuneration of the liquidator(s).
5. To fix or determine the future remuneration of the liquidator(s).
6. Any other business.
Members of the committee are advised proxies should be submitted to the convenor of the meeting by:
Time: |
04:00PM |
Date: |
22 February 2013 |
Date of Notice: |
08 February 2013
Frank Lo Pilato
Joint Liquidator
Peter Marsden
Joint Appointees