Notice is given that a meeting of the creditors of the Company, or a meeting for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
Agenda items are:
to fix or determine the internal disbursements of the Liquidatorfor creditors to consider, and if thought appropriate, approve the acceptance of an offer from the Directors of the company pursuant to section 477(2A) of the Corporations Act 2001any other business
Creditors wishing to attend are advised proofs and proxies are to be submitted to the external administrator by:
Due to the threat of COVID-19, and consistent with government policy on gatherings, a virtual meeting will be held. Creditors are expected to attend by electronic means.
Creditors wishing to attend by electronic means are advised they can use the following facility:
Creditors wishing to participate in the meeting by using electronic facilities must return to the external administrator not later than the second-last business day before the day of the meeting, a written statement setting out
Tony JonssonLiquidator