Notice is given that a meeting of the committee of inspection of the Company, or a meeting of the committee of inspection for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
Agenda items are:
1. The Report to the Committee of Inspection dated 11 November 2022; 2. To discuss the commercial terms of the proposed funding agreement received from LCM Operations Pty Ltd; 3. For the Committee of Inspection of the Companies to consider authorising the Liquidators to enter into a funding agreement, or any variation of such a funding agreement, with LCM Operations Pty Ltd pursuant to Section 477(2B) of the Act; 4. To discuss the next course of action with respect to legal proceedings against the Examinees 5. Any other matter that may be lawfully brought forward.
Members of the committee are advised proxies should be submitted to the convenor of the meeting by:
Christopher John BaskervilleJoint Liquidator
Glenn Anthony CrispJoint Appointees