Company details
Company: |
Optima Technology Group Ltd |
ACN: |
131 445 335 |
Company: |
Optima Technology Group (Operations) Pty Ltd |
ACN: |
158 837 097 |
Status: |
Administrators Appointed |
Appointed: |
11 July 2023 |
Meeting details
Notice is given that a second meeting of the creditors of the Company, or a second meeting for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
Location: |
Deloitte Financial Advisory Pty Ltd Level 23, 477 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 |
Meeting date: |
15 August 2023 |
Meeting time: |
10.30AM |
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
The purpose of the meeting(s) is:
- to receive the report by the Administrator(s) about the business, property, affairs and financial circumstances of the Company(ies); and
- to receive a statement of Administrator(s) opinion and reasons for the opinion:
- whether it would be in the creditors' interests for the Company(ies) to execute a deed of company arrangement;
- whether it would be in the creditors' interests for the administration to end;
- whether it would be in the creditors' interests for the company to be wound up;
- to receive a statement of such other information known to the administrator as will enable the creditors to make an informed decision about the matters at paragraphs 2(a) – (c) above;
- to receive details of any transactions that appear to the Administrator(s) to be a voidable transaction in respect of which money, property, or other benefits may be recoverable by a liquidator under part 5.7B of the Act
- to receive details of any proposed deed of company arrangement; and
- for the creditors of the Company(ies) to resolve that:
- the Company(ies) execute a deed of company arrangement; or
- the administration(s) should end; or
- the Company(ies) be wound up.
Other agenda items are:
- to determine the remuneration of the administrator(s)
- to determine the future remuneration of the administrator(s)
Proof of debt and proxies
Creditors wishing to attend are advised proofs and proxies are to be submitted to the Administrator by:
Time: |
5.00PM |
Date: |
14 August 2023 |
Special instructions
Due to the size of the Group, the number of employees and creditors and the diverse geographical locations of the Group's Operations, including its employees and creditors, along with the threat of COVID-19, a virtual-only meeting will be made available. All creditors are expected to attend by electronic means, and no physical place of meeting will be made available. If you wish to attend and vote at the meeting, please contact Reagan Cairns of this office on the details provided below.
Date of Notice: |
08 August 2023
Jason Tracy
Glen Kanevsky
Joint Appointees