Notice is given that a resumed meeting of the creditors of the Company, or a resumed meeting for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
Agenda items are:
1. Review the report of the Administrators in connection with the business, property, affairs and financial circumstances of the Companies2. Consider the remuneration of the Administrators for the period of the voluntary administration3. Consider the Administrators' internal disbursements for the period of the voluntary administration4. For the creditors of the Companies to resolve:a. that the Companies execute a deed of company arrangement, orb. that the administration should end, orc. that the Companies be wound up.If the Companies execute a deed of company arrangement:1. Consider the Deed Administrators' future remuneration and internal disbursements2. Consider the appointment of a committee of inspection and if appointed,a. who are to be the committee membersb. consider permitting any committee members to continue dealing with the Companies and their creditors on a business as usual basis during the external administration3. Consider any other business properly brought before the meetings.If the Companies are wound up:1. Consider the appointment of a committee of inspection and if appointed, who are to be the committee members2. Consider permitting any committee members to continue dealing with the Companies and their creditors on a business as usual basis during the external administration3. Consider the early destruction of the Companies books and records4. Consider any other business properly brought before the meetings.
Creditors wishing to attend are advised proofs and proxies are to be submitted to the external administrator by:
Note: Proofs and proxies admitted for voting at the adjourned meeting(s) are valid for the resumed meeting(s)
Meetings will be held concurrently.
David OsborneAdministrator
Scott LangdonJoint Appointees