Notice is given that a meeting of the creditors of the Company, or a meeting for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
Agenda items are:
To seek approval to enter into a deed of settlement and release with Mohammad Saifur Rahman also known as Saifur Rahman, on behalf of the Company pursuant to sections 477(2A) and 477(2B) the Corporation Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act), for which the deed of settlement and release compromises a debt of the Company in excess of the prescribed amount exceeds three (3) months between execution and termination or discharge.To seek approval to enter into an agreement on behalf of the Company with Noii Holdings Pty Ltd pursuant to section 477(2B) of the Act, to pursue the Research and Development Tax Incentive for the Company for the 2022, 2023 and 2024 financial years, and for which the term of the agreement exceeds three (3) months between execution and termination or discharge.
Creditors wishing to attend are advised proofs and proxies are to be submitted to the external administrator by:
Due to COVID-19 it is highly recommended that all meetings are to be held and attended virtually.Creditors wishing to attend the upcoming meeting, in person or via electronic means, should contact this office prior to 4:00PM (AEST) on Tuesday, 16 April 2024 on (07) 3228 4046 or to confirm their attendance so that appropriate arrangements can be made. Notwithstanding, creditors are welcome to submit a Proxy form, prior to the commencement of the meeting of creditors, should they wish to attend the meeting via proxy.
Henry McKennaLiquidator