Notice is given that a resumed meeting of the creditors of the Company, or a resumed meeting for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
Agenda items are:
1. To receive and consider a Supplementary Report in relation to the Companys business, property, affairs and financial circumstances.2. To fix the remuneration of the Administrator.3. To fix the internal disbursements of the Administrator.4. For creditors to resolve:a. that the Company execute a Deed of Company Arrangement; orb. that the Administration should end; orc. that the Company be wound up.Creditors also have the option to adjourn the Resumed Second Meeting of Creditors for a period of up to thirty-five (35) business days.5. If the Company is to execute a Deed of Company Arrangement:a. to fix the remuneration of the Deed Administrator(s); andb. to fix the internal disbursements of the Deed Administrator(s).6. If the Company is to be wound up:a. to appoint a Liquidator(s);b. to consider appointing a Committee of Inspection (if appropriate);c. if no Committee is appointed, to fix the remuneration of the Liquidator(s); d. if no Committee is appointed, to fix the internal disbursements of the Liquidator(s); ande. if no Committee is appointed, to consider the destruction of the books and records at the conclusion of the winding up (if appropriate).7. Any other relevant business that may be lawfully brought forward.
Creditors wishing to attend are advised proofs and proxies are to be submitted to the external administrator by:
Note: Proofs and proxies admitted for voting at the adjourned meeting(s) are valid for the resumed meeting(s)
In accordance with Rule 75-75 of the Insolvency Practice Rules(Corporations) 2016, a virtual meeting will beheld utilising teleconference facilities. Creditors are required to attend by electronic means and no physicalplace for the meeting will be provided.
Creditors wishing to attend the meeting using virtual meeting technology are advised they can use the following facility to attend the meeting:
Stephen DixonAdministrator