Company details
Company: |
ACN: |
061 930 756 |
Status: |
In Liquidation |
Appointed: |
06 June 2016 |
Meeting details
Notice is given that a meeting of the committee of inspection of the Company, or a meeting of the committee of inspection for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
Location: |
Level 19, 2 Riverside Quay, Southbank, Victoria, 3006
Members may elect to attend the meeting in person or via telephone or video conference facilities detailed below. |
Meeting date: |
22 June 2021 |
Meeting time: |
10:00AM |
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
Members of the committee are advised proxies should be submitted to the convenor of the meeting by:
Time: |
4:00PM |
Date: |
21 June 2021 |
Virtual Meeting Technology
Members of the committee wishing to attend the meeting using virtual meeting technology are advised they can use the following facility to attend the meeting:
Facility details | |
Password: |
605 495 560# |
Date of Notice: |
03 June 2021
Craig Crosbie
Stephen Longley
Joint Appointees