Notice is given that a first meeting of the creditors of the Company, or a first meeting for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
The purpose of the meeting(s) is to consider:
At the meeting, creditors may also, by resolution:
Creditors wishing to attend are advised proofs and proxies should be submitted to the Administrator by:
Please arrive at the meeting location early (1 hour) to ensure there is sufficient time for all creditors and employees to sign in to the meeting. If the meeting location is not in close proximity to you, a webcast of the meetings will be available for creditors to view online. Should you require login details for the webcast please email Please note however, that should you wish to attend by webinar, you will be required to complete and submit a proxy prior to the meeting date for voting purposes.
Said JahaniJoint Administrator
Said Jahani and John Edgar McInerneyJoint Appointees