Company details
Company: |
The PAS Group Limited |
ACN: |
169 477 463 |
Company: |
PASCO Group Pty Ltd |
ACN: |
117 244 943 |
Company: |
PAS Finance Pty Ltd |
ACN: |
169 478 291 |
Company: |
JETS Swimwear Pty Limited |
ACN: |
068 819 581 |
Company: |
AFG Retail Pty Limited |
ACN: |
133 613 251 |
Company: |
Chestnut Apparel Pty Limited |
ACN: |
112 091 522 |
Company: |
PASCO Operations Pty Ltd |
ACN: |
112 078 547 |
Company: |
Black Pepper Brands Pty Limited |
ACN: |
112 065 559 |
Company: |
Designworks Holdings Pty Limited |
ACN: |
113 900 057 |
Company: |
Designworks Clothing Company Pty Limited |
ACN: |
117 343 807 |
Company: |
World Brands Pty Ltd |
ACN: |
075 219 135 |
Company: |
Yarra Trail Holdings Pty Limited |
ACN: |
110 901 561 |
Company: |
Yarra Trail Pty Limited |
ACN: |
110 902 102 |
Company: |
Review Australia Pty Limited |
ACN: |
122 295 836 |
Company: |
The Capelle Group Pty Limited |
ACN: |
121 867 641 |
Company: |
Fiorelli Licensing Pty Limited |
ACN: |
122 295 827 |
Company: |
Metpas Pty Ltd |
ACN: |
127 957 653 |
Company: |
The Hopkins Group Aust Pty Ltd |
ACN: |
119 023 273 |
Company: |
Bondi Bather Pty Limited |
ACN: |
620 985 864 |
Status: |
Administrators Appointed |
Appointed: |
29 May 2020 |
Meeting details
Notice is given that a second meeting of the creditors of the Company, or a second meeting for each of the Companies, (for multiple companies), will be held:
Location: |
Please note, to ensure we are acting in line with the Government's safe distance measures put in place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be holding the concurrent Second Meetings electronically using a video conference facility. The link to register for and access the meeting, can be found on the creditor portal home page and the PWC PAS Group creditor information page at |
Meeting date: |
17 August 2020 |
Meeting time: |
2:30 PM |
(If multiple companies, see special instructions for meeting times)
The purpose of the meeting(s) is:
- to receive the report by the Administrator(s) about the business, property, affairs and financial circumstances of the Company(ies); and
- to receive a statement of Administrator(s) opinion and reasons for the opinion:
- whether it would be in the creditors' interests for the Company(ies) to execute a deed of company arrangement;
- whether it would be in the creditors' interests for the administration to end;
- whether it would be in the creditors' interests for the company to be wound up;
- to receive a statement of such other information known to the administrator as will enable the creditors to make an informed decision about the matters at paragraphs 2(a) – (c) above;
- to receive details of any transactions that appear to the Administrator(s) to be a voidable transaction in respect of which money, property, or other benefits may be recoverable by a liquidator under part 5.7B of the Act
- to receive details of any proposed deed of company arrangement; and
- for the creditors of the Company(ies) to resolve that:
- the Company(ies) execute a deed of company arrangement; or
- the administration(s) should end; or
- the Company(ies) be wound up.
Other agenda items are:
- if the company is wound up, to consider the appointment of a committee of inspection and, if so, who are to be the committee members
- any other business
Proof of debt and proxies
Creditors wishing to attend are advised proofs and proxies are to be submitted to the Administrator by:
Time: |
4:00 PM |
Date: |
14 August 2020 |
Special instructions
Access to the creditor portal to submit your proof of debt and proxy is located at:
Date of Notice: |
07 August 2020
Martin Ford
Stephen Longley and David McEvoy
Joint Appointees