Company details
Company: |
ACN 007 736 487 PTY. LTD. (formerly known as KENYON INVESTMENTS PTY. LTD.) |
ACN: |
007 736 487 |
An application for the winding up of ACN 007 736 487 PTY. LTD. (formerly known as KENYON INVESTMENTS PTY. LTD.) was commenced by the plaintiff COMMUNITY CORPORATION 26417 INC ABN 39 665 540 162 on 08/02/2024 and will be heard as set out below.
Hearing details
The details of the hearing are:
Court: |
Federal |
District/State: |
South Australia |
Place: |
By Web Conference, Roma Mitchell Commonwealth Law Courts Building Level 5, 3 Angas Street, Adelaide |
Date and time: |
13 March 2024 |
Action number: |
SAD16/2024 |
Copies of documents filed may be obtained from the plaintiff's address for service.
Plaintiff's details
Plaintiff's address for service:
Place: |
Lynch Meyer Lawyers 190 Flinders Street Adelaide SA 5000 |
Telephone: |
08 8223 7600 |
Facsimile: |
Any person intending to appear at the hearing must file a notice of appearance in accordance with the rules, together with any affidavit on which the person intends to rely, and serve a copy of the notice and any affidavit on the plaintiff at the plaintiff's address for service at least 3 days before the date fixed for the hearing.
Date of Notice: |
01 March 2024
Plaintiff or Plaintiff's legal practitioner:
Address |
Lynch Meyer Lawyers 190 Flinders Street Adelaide SA 5000 |
Contact person |
Georgia Gray |
Contact number |
08 8223 7600 |
Facsimile |
Email | |
This notice does not mean that the company was wound up. To check whether the company was wound up following publication of this notice, search the ASIC database using the ASIC Connect function on ASIC's website